A co-worker of mine found a picture of scarf she wanted, hung it on my wall, and then told me she wanted it as a birthday gift. Being in the middle of quite a few projects already, I was hesistant to start something new. But since I have a very strong affection for self patterning yarn and knitting needles the size of toothpicks, I went for it. Surprisingly I chose a purple and pink colorway... It's not quite knitting up as bright as I thought but it was the best out of the bunch.
Another surprise is that this is about an hour's worth of knitting... and the scarf is supposed to be 71" long. Luckily I have until November to finish. But since this project is stuffed in a bag with a pair of socks that are 75% completed, I may get distracted.
Wish me luck!
i love the way it looks, but i would like to know how long this actual one-hour piece is!